December Holiday Gift Card Drive 

The Food Pantry Committee is organizing a "December Gift Card Drive" event.

Skyview families who are in need will be able to request gift cards to help with gift purchasing
and we will use donations from this drive to fulfill those requests!


We have requests for gift cards for 110 kids of Skyview families (and growing)!

Our goal is a $25 gift card per child and 1 bag of food from our pantry per family.


There are two ways to help with this event:

Option #1: Donate $25 Gift Card(s)

To donate $25 gift card(s), they must be dropped off at the following Skyview Pickup Events:

- December 9th, 3-5pm

Please let us know how many gift cards and which day you will drop off your donation.
We are ONLY accepting gift card donations via these drop off times for ease of tracking.

Sign up to Drop Off $25 Gift Card(s)


Option #2: Donate Money to Purchase a Gift Card

To donate money for our committee to purchase the gift cards,
lick the "Donate" button below to contribute. 
Any amount is appreciated! 

All donations are tax-deductible.

Donation deadline for this event is Friday, December 11th.

Any donations that are in excess of what we need for this event
will be used for the Food Pantry, as needed.

Skyview Middle School PTSA is a 501c3 and all donations made are tax deductible.