Help ensure Skyview Middle School is PREPARED for an emergency!!
Our PTSA E-Prep Chair needs your help to organize and inventory the e-prep (emergency preparedness) shed on Monday, January 27th (there is no school this day)!
The e-prep shed is where the school keeps the supplies that might be needed in the event of an emergency, such as an earthquake.
Volunteers will remove the storage bins from the shed and take them to the cafeteria so we can complete the inventory where it is warm and dry! We will sort through all the contents, discard expired items, then repack the bins and return them to the shed.
We have two shifts in the signup, AM (9am-noon) and PM (1pm-3pm), to hopefully allow more people to help out!
Looking for adult volunteers - and high school volunteers are welcome as well.
Please sign up to help if you can. Thanks in advance!