We want to thank our local Bothell community for donating to our food drive this weekend. Special thanks QFC, Canyon Park for allowing us a location, and to our student and adult volunteers for spending their Sunday collecting food for our families.

Thank you again for your support. Together, we are able to deliver groceries to families at both Skyview and North Creek.

If you missed the food drive and want to help, check out our Amazon Wishlist, here or other ways to help on our Stock the Pantry page.




Skyview PTSA & North Creek PTSA are hosting a Food Drive benefiting their joint food pantry (serving both schools). The food drive is scheduled for Sunday, February 23, 10am-3pm.

  • DONATE FOOD: Save the date for the food drive, swing by QFC, and contribute if you can!

Thank you for your continued support!!



Volunteer Stations are Filled! Thank you!!

  • MONITOR COLLECTION STATIONS: We need volunteers to monitor the tables outside the entrances to QFC. Volunteers will hand out flyers with a shopping list and kindly ask community members if they want to help. ** UPDATE: Volunteers still needed for 2-3pm stations! Sign up here.