There are 4 EASY ways to help stock the Food Pantry:

  1. Schedule a porch pick up. Food Pantry volunteers will pick up food from your porch. Email food pantry to schedule a pickup.
  2. Shop on Amazon! Once ordered, the food will be delivered to the pantry for you. You don't need to leave your home. Skyview / North Creek Food Pantry Amazon Wishlist
  3. Drop off donations at Skyview Middle School. There is a collection bin in the main office. Students are welcome to bring in donations and deliver to the office as well!
  4. Make a monetary donation (don't forget your company match, if applicable). Donations made directly to the food pantry are tracked in a RESTRICTED line item in the Skyview MS PTSA budget, so they cannot be used for anything besides food pantry! Click here to donate.

PLEASE NOTE: NO expired food or perishables are accepted. Find the list of our MOST needed items here.



Delivery Drivers Needed

Some of our amazing drivers couldn't return this year, so Food Pantry drivers are needed. Please reach out to Melissa Kline ( for more information.



Thank you in advance your supporting our community!