Please help us show our appreciation for the amazing Skyview staff with a chili bar for them to enjoy during lunch on Friday, October 25.

There are many opportunities to contribute to make this a fantastic lunch!

  • Make some delicious chili (deliver in a crockpot to keep it hot)
  • Provide chili fixings, sides, etc.

Thank you for your help as we show our thanks to our Skyview staff! 

Sign up here:
Staff Appreciation Chili Bar


If you want to contribute, but this event doesn't work for you,
there will be several other opportunities to contribute to this type of event.

You can also make a monetary donation
via PayPal (note: Staff Appreciation)
via check written to Skyview PTSA, Note: "Staff Appreciation"
and mailed to Skyview MS PTSA, PO BOX 311, Bothell, WA 98041