One of the things Skyview PTSA is so proud to provide each year is our Gift to School program. This year that program includes two options: Grants & Certificated Staff Reimbursement.
This program allows for any staff member or PTSA member to submit Gift to School Grant proposals (requests). Proposals must identify which (and approximately how many) students will benefit from the grant and demonstrate how the funds will be used. Each Grant request will be reviewed by a committee that includes PTSA Executive Board members, as well as the Skyview Principal, one Assistant Principal, and the Skyview PTSA Liaison. All submissions are reviewed by the committee, who will review, vote and provide a response to the request (and a check, if approved).
To assist with the current budget shortfall, for the 2024-2025 school year, the Skyview PTSA is offering a program for all certificated staff members to submit reimbursement requests, with receipts, of up to $100 (based on the %FTE they work at Skyview Middle School). For example, a full time certificated staff member will be eligible to receive $100, %FTE 0.5 certificated staff member would be eligible to receive $50.
If you are interested, check out all the amazing things Skyview PTSA has helped provide for Skyview Middle School over the last several years. View grant program history.
All grants are funded by donations to Skyview PTSA "Pass the Hat" fundraiser. To donate, click here - and then click on the DONATE button at the bottom of the page!
Questions? Contact our PTSA President.