Feb 9
6:30p Protecting your Children, Advice from Child Molesters
Protecting your Children, Advice from Child Molesters

Tuesday, February 11
6:30p - 8:00p
Bothell Police Department: Community Room

Bothell Police reached out to PTSAs with this presentation for parents. We are sharing for the benefit of our community.

'Protecting your Children, Advice from Child Molesters'

This class is about an hour long and utilized videos taken from interviews with child molesters, combined with news stories and personal experiences to help parents better understand the minds of child molesters. This class is good knowledge for anyone that has children (of any age), grandkids, works with kids, owns a business that deals with kids, etc.

Bothell Police Department - Community Room
18410 101st Ave NE Bothell WA 98011

Learn more
5:00p Dine-Out: Chick-fil-A
Dine-Out: Chick-fil-A

Wednesday, February 12
5:00p - 7:00p
Canyon Park

Orders placed inside, at counter (for takeout or dine-in). Mention "Skyview PTSA Fundraiser" - and 10% will be donated to our PTSA!

Learn more.
Mid-Winter Break - No School
Mid-Winter Break - No School

Mon 2/17 - Fri 2/21
Mid-Winter Break - No School
Mid-Winter Break - No School

Mon 2/17 - Fri 2/21
Mid-Winter Break - No School
Mid-Winter Break - No School

Mon 2/17 - Fri 2/21
Mid-Winter Break - No School
Mid-Winter Break - No School

Mon 2/17 - Fri 2/21
Mid-Winter Break - No School
Mid-Winter Break - No School

Mon 2/17 - Fri 2/21
View in Outlook or Google Calendar      See full calendar
THANK YOU for visiting the Skyview PTSA website!
View our "Welcome" page for information about our PTSA and what we do - click here.

Looking Ahead: Save the Dates

Monday 2/17- Friday 2/21
Mid-Winter Break
Sunday, February 23, 10am-3pm
Food Drive @ QFC - Benefiting Food Pantry
** VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for 2-3pm time slot! **
learn more
Friday, February 28, 7-8am
Coffee, Donuts & Conversation with the Principal
learn more
Friday, February 28, 7-8:30pm
Skyview Music Boosters Dessert Night
@ Skyview Cafeteria
(Not PTSA event, but love to help kids!)
Tuesday, March 11, 2-7pm
Menchie's Dine-Out Fundraiser
learn more
Friday, April 18
Multicultural Night
Sign up to host a presentation table or perform a dance/routine!
ALL families encouraged to participate and attend!
** More details & signup coming soon! **
Friday, May 30
8th Grade Party
Save the Date!
learn more

Program Updates
Reflections Art Program
State Qualifiers Announced!
Spelling Bee
Check out Skyview Bee Results!

Staff Appreciation "Stock the Fridge"
Thank you volunteers & donors.
Upcoming Food Pantry Delivery Dates
February: 26
March: 12, 26
(Request Food / Donate Food)

Check out our latest newsletter (or past issues) - click here.

RESCHEDULED! Coffee, Donuts & Conversation with the Principal!
RESCHEDULED!! Coffee & Conversation with the Principal! Friday, February 28th, 7-8 AM   You are invited to Coffee & Conversation with Principal Mehner on Friday, February 28, 7–8 AM @ Skyview Middle School Library . This is a great opportunity to learn more about Skyview, connect with our school community, and ask any questions you may have.   Skyview is committed to making this event accessible to all families and will provide interpretation support as needed. If you require an interpreter, please contact Skyview Main Office Manager, Melissa Kline, at or 425-408-6801.   Skyview looks forward to welcoming you ... read full article

Food Drive @ QFC - Need Volunteers & Save the Date (Feb 23)!
Skyview PTSA & North Creek PTSA are hosting a Food Drive benefiting their joint food pantry (serving both schools). The food drive is scheduled for Sunday, February 23, 10am-3pm. MONITOR COLLECTION STATIONS: We need volunteers to monitor the tables outside the entrances to QFC. Volunteers will hand out flyers with a shopping list and kindly ask community members if they want to help. ** UPDATE: Volunteers still needed for 2-3pm stations! Sign up here. DONATE FOOD:  Save the date for the food drive, swing by QFC, and contribute if you can! Thank you for your continued support!! ... read full article

Dine-Out: Menchies - Tuesday March 11
Menchie's (Canyon Park Commons) Tuesday, March 11, 2025 All Day: 2pm - 7pm Menchie's will donate 20% of receipts to Skyview PTSA, when you mention our fundraiser or show the flyer! 20% of receipts will be donated to: Skyview Middle School PTSA ... read full article

2025 Skyview 8th Grade Party!
  Friday, May 30th is the date for the 8th Grade Party!! Mark your calendars! The party will be in the evening. More information will be shared as we get closer to the event including: location & theme volunteer signups ticket pricing along with how to purchase tickets, request scholarships and complete waivers and more!   Q. What is the 8th Grade Party? A. This party is a celebration of the end of the middle school years. It is a traditional send-off for Skyview students as they prepare to go on to high school.   Q. Who attends the event? ... read full article

Bothell Police Department - Parent Education Opportunities
Parent Education Opportunities Hosted by Bothell Police Department   February 11, 2025, 6:30pm 'Protecting Your Children, Advice From Child Molesters' Bothell Police reached out to PTSAs with this presentation for parents. We are sharing for the benefit of our community.  Detective Sergeant Erik Martin presents this class. It is about an hour long and utilized videos taken from interviews with child molesters, combined with news stories and personal experiences to help parents better understand the minds of child molesters. This class is good knowledge for anyone that has children (of any age), grandkids, works with kids, owns a business that ... read full article

Staff Appreciation: Stock the Fridge - THANK YOU!
Thank You Donors & Volunteers! Skyview’s PTSA staff appreciation committee hosted a “Stock the Fridge” event for Skyview staff, filling the fridge and staff lounge with lots of fun snacks and drinks. A huge thank you to the volunteers who helped out or contributed food and drinks, making the event a success! Staff loved being able to stop by and take some “grab and go” items to nourish them throughout the day and week! Thank you donors... Alba Family Melissa Conway Emily Cross Aleah Dometita Krystal Fisher Jennifer Golden Alison Gomes Teagan Hagen Christine Hansen Jennifer Herbison Jill James Bethany ... read full article

Thank You Emergency Prep Inventory Volunteers!!!
Thank you Emergency Prep Volunteers!   A big thank you to the volunteers who braved the cold weather last Monday to help inventory the e-prep shed! With the extra help we were able to remove expired items, inventory medical, rescue and other items needed to navigate an emergency during school hours and create a complete list of all of our emergency stock. We were able to accomplish all of this in only three hours! Moving forward, we will determine what items to add to the inventory and further organize the bins and containers. We could not have done it without ... read full article

What Does PTSA Do?
What does Skyview PTSA do? We wanted to put together a list of what we TYPICALLY do in a school year for our Skyview community (staff, students, & families). Please check it out and let us know if you have questions or want to join our team to help make all of this happen! PTSA student events & programs 6th Grade Welcome Night treats for students. 8th Grade Party. Reflections Art program. Spelling Bee. Snacks for students during SBA testing. Multicultural Night ( need volunteer ). Staff appreciation events PTSA or community provided treats/lunches/breakfasts/etc. Gift to School Grants Any Skyview ... read full article

Join Skyview PTSA Today!
Join Skyview PTSA Today! Being a PTSA member does NOT automatically enroll you in meetings or volunteering. However, your membership fee of $15 for an individual or $27 for a double membership makes a significant impact in supporting all children! Click here to join PTSA or renew your membership, today! Just a friendly reminder, PTSA memberships need to be renewed annually and are valid July 1 - June 30. ... read full article

Pass the Hat - Only Fundraiser of the Year!
Donate today to the Annual Giving "Pass the Hat" Campaign PTSA is thrilled to be able to offer programs and support to the Skyview community, but it is not possible without monetary donations. Skyview PTSA has an annual Pass the Hat campaign that we urge you to participate in. The ask is $25/student, and we thank you in advance for your help to make sure all these things, and others, remain possible.   Donate Today!   What kinds of things does the money get spent on?       ... read full article

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